Let Stephanie Oram be your Personal Trainer for the next 90 days and become a fitter, healthier and stronger version of you. XTFMAX PERSONAL TRAINER includes 12 workouts that will help you burn fat and build lean muscle in the comfort of your own home.
Also included with the 12 challenging workouts is a complete training guide, planning calendar, and nutrition plan. You will receive all the tools necessary to get in the best shape of your life with our toughest program yet.
Endurance: High Reps and Intensity
Back and Biceps - Upper Body and Cardio Focus
Cardio - Strengthen the heart in this fat-burning, longer-duration workout
Chest, Shoulders, and Abs - Chest, shoulders, and abs
Legs Triceps and Core - Legs, triceps, and core
Fat Shred: High Rep, Low Weight
Cardio - High-intensity movements get that heart rate up to burn some serious calories
Lower Body - Legs and core focus
Upper Body I - Upper body focus
Upper Body II - Chest, back, and arms. Light lower body and abs
Strength: Low Rep, Higher Weight
Cardio - Power movements that burn fat and strengthen the heart
Strength I - Legs, chest, triceps, and abs
Strength II - Abs, legs, shoulders, and back
Strength III - Biceps, back, chest, legs, and abs
Use the included training guide and calendar to help plan and schedule your workouts
We have also provided a complete comprehensive meal plan with recipes to help you plan your individual meals and fuel your workouts
Equipment Needed: A light, medium, and heavy set of dumbbells or bands.